The MAC Address of your personal Android device is a very sensitive piece of information as it is unique for every device.In case you are accessing your ISP from a different device then modifying the MAC Address of your Android device will help you get back online in no time, rather than contacting the ISP and resolving the issue.

Certain Internet Service Providers provide internet connection to its registered users by recognising the MAC Address of the device used by the user.Changing or modifying the MAC Address of your Android devices helps in preventing any potential hackers to keep a track of your Android device even if they are connected to the same WIFI network as yours.There may be many reasons which would require you to change the MAC Address of your Android devices, some of them are listed below: Why Modify/Change MAC Address of Android Devices? To know more about the generations of MAC Address, go through this link. The MAC Address is generally provided to network adapters and similar hardware and every device have a unique MAC address. Simply speaking, the MAC Address allows us to identify via which device someone is trying to access the internet.